8 Ways the World’s Top Fat Loss Experts Would End Obesity | Yuri Elkaim

8 Things the World’s Top Fat Loss Experts Would Do to Save the World from Obesity

A little while ago, the United Nations contacted me to ask one simple question:

“Yuri, we fear the human race is about to become extinct because of this obesity crisis. We heard through the grapevine that you’re interviewing 24 of the world’s leading fat loss experts. So, can you please ask them what’s the ONE thing they would recommend we do to put an end to this obesity crisis and save our species.”

Naturally, my answer was a resounding YES…

Of course, I’ll pry this important information from them.

Ok full disclosure, the UN did not contact me but…

This IS a question that I asked each of the 24 fat loss experts I interviewed as part of our Fat Loss Summit (which starts November 15th, 2015 but you can grab your spot now – for FREE).

Here, I’m going to share what 8 of them had to say.

To get the answers from all 24 experts along with their most coveted and scientifically proven fat loss strategies, go here.

Abel James

Abel James

Bestselling nutrition author and #1-rated iTunes podcast, Fat Burning Man

“Cook your own food. Know where your food comes from. If you just cook one meal a week you start to appreciate where your food comes from…you start seeking out the best possible food…and start to fall in love with the right food again.”

 Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield

NY Times bestselling fitness/nutrition author of Beyond Training

“Hack your environment so that you only sit when you’re eating…the rest of the time,  you stand… Just making that one small change alone will up-regulate hormone sensitive lipase one of your body’s primary fat burning enzymes.”

Christa Orecchio

Christa Orecchio

Clinical and holistic nutritionist

“It’s all about busting sugar. Read labels and learn the various ways that food companies are hiding sugars in your foods – and avoid them!” 

Brian St. Pierre

Brian St. Pierre

Lead researcher and writer with Precision Nutrition

“Cease production of processed foods…If we return to eating meats and natural produce it would greatly difficult to become overweight.”

Dr. Alan Christianson

Dr. Alan Christianson

Naturopathic medical doctor and NY Times bestselling author of the Adrenal Reset Diet

“It’s not about your lack of willpower. Moving away from blame and shame…and moving toward a new mindset where we can support people through their insecurities.”

Dr. Eric Cobb

Dr. Eric Cobb

High performance coach and co-founder of Z-Health

“As much as I would like to point to physiology, the research continues to point at the need to reshape our environment and our behavior…One of the big answers is actually a re-education of how to effectively create behavior change that doesn’t rely on willpower.”

Dr. Sara Gottfried

Dr. Sara Gottfried

Harvard-trained MD and 2-time NY Times bestselling author, The Hormone Cure and The Hormone Reset Diet 

“Insulin! It is the most important hormone to dial in for fat loss…You want your fasting blood sugar to be between 70-85 mg/dl.”

Dr. Izabella Wentz

Dr. Izabella Wentz

NY Times bestselling of “Hashimoto’s Thyroidits: The Root Cause”

“I would start eating more thermogenic foods and foods higher in good fats.”

What Do the Other Fat Loss Experts Have to Say?

Click here to find out inside the Fat Loss Summit (it’s FREE to attend)

Starting November 15th, you’ll also learn the proven fat loss strategies from these leading authorities :

  • JJ Virgin – NY Times bestselling nutrition author
  • Dr. Josh Axe – one of the leading natural health authorities
  • Dr. Peter Osborne – leading expert on gluten and inflammation
  • Tyler Bramlett – leading online fitness trainer
  • Dan Ritchie, PhD – functional health and aging specialist
  • Kelly Starrett – NY Times bestselling human performance author
  • Jonathan Bailor – NY Times bestselling nutrition author
  • Krista Scott-Dixon – program design with Precision Nutrition
  • Shawna Kaminski – online fitness trainer
  • Brad Pilon – bestselling nutrition author and intermittent fasting expert
  • Vince Delmonte – professional fitness model
  • Eric Wong – high performance strength coach
  • Chris Lopez – kettlebell specialist
  • Jon Gabriel – bestselling author and visualization expert
  • Craig Ballantyne – renowned fitness authority

