Yuri Elkaim - Amazing Abs Solution Success Story - Kara Stafford

Amazing Abs Solution Success Story – Kara Stafford

Kara loses 19 lbs and says…”I feel amazing! I am the strongest and most confident I have ever been. When I look in the mirror, I still sometimes ask myself, “Wow, is that me?”

Our 3rd WINNER of the most recent Amazing Abs Solution transformation contest is Kara Stafford. She lost an amazing 19 lbs of “chubby” fat and feels more amazing than ever (see her words below).

Not only did she realize an amazing transformation but she’s also a very inspiring individual. Just listen to our interview below and you’ll see what I mean – there are definitely some golden nuggets in there for you.

But first, check out these photos…

Here’s what Kara had to say about her Amazing Abs Solution journey:

“On May 1st, 2012 I made a commitment to the Amazing Abs program and to myself. At 5’ 5, 147 lbs. I was tired of being the chubby girl and ready to do something about it. My stats were as follows:

Hips: 40”
Waist: 37.5”
Thighs: 23.25”
Upper arms: 12”
Chest: 32.24”
Body fat percentage 27.5%.

3 months and a lot of hard work later I have made huge progress. Today my stats are as follows:

Weight: 128 lbs. (19 lb. weight loss!)
Hips: 36 ½” (down 3.5”)
Waist: 30.5” (down 7”)
Thighs: 21.75” (down 1.5”)
Upper arms: 11” (down 1”)
Chest: 29.5” (down 2.75”)

Body fat percentage: 26.25%. While this is an acceptable range, I am still working on moving this number towards the fitness range.

I feel amazing! I am the strongest and most confident I have ever been. When I look in the mirror, I still sometimes ask myself, “Wow, is that me? ” I’m happy to answer myself with “Yes!” The combination of Amazing Abs and the Fitter U Fitness Program have taught me how to be more productive with my training by using intervals, that I enjoy lifting weights, I can live without coffee, and that I have more strength and endurance than I ever imagined.

I will not say it was always easy, but the commitment was well worth it and I have loved the challenge, which has inspired me in other aspects of my life as well. My tip for success is to visualize how you want to look and what you would like to achieve with your goals. I am a work in progress. I love where I am at, and will continue to work on getting stronger. When my friends ask me what I’m doing, I send them to Yuri’s site.”


Well done Kara and keep up the great work.

One of the things I really enjoyed when I spoke with Kara (interview above) was her attention to setting and focusing on her goals every single day. She would visualize her “ideal” body every night and as her body started to transform it motivated her to push even harder.

There’s a lot of wisdom to be had from her journey and if you want similar results, then the Amazing Abs Solution is waiting for you.

=> Grab the Amazing Abs Solution here
