25 Powerful Yin Yoga Sequences We Love (And Why) | Yuri Elkaim

25 Powerful Yin Yoga Sequences We Love (And Why)

A yin yoga sequence can help your body stretch, lengthen, and recover. Discover 25 powerful yin yoga sequences and feel rejuvenated today.
25 Powerful Yin Yoga Sequences We Love (And Why)

It’s a yang, yang world in the Western practice of yoga.

From Hatha to Ashtanga, we see the fiery side of this ancient yin/yang symbol in nearly every popular yoga practice in the Western world.

Not that there’s anything wrong with this. In fact, yoga “flow” practices that focus on steadily moving from one pose to the next are beneficial for increasing flexibility, muscle tone, and mobility.

However, there is another side to yoga, just as there is another side to the yin and yang symbol.

Yin yoga, also referred to as “Daoist” yoga, involves sequences that go deep into the body’s tissues. The poses are often held for much longer than poses in hatha or power sequences, with the goal of accessing deeper connective tissues as well as connecting with a more meditative state.

What is Yin Yoga Good For?

Yin yoga is excellent for reducing stress and providing restoration for the body as well as the mind.

It’s also great for increasing mobility, and circulation, and regulating energy flow throughout your body, as many of these poses target energy channels and meridians in a way that is similar to acupuncture.

25 Best Yin Yoga Sequences

If yin yoga has piqued your interest, give one (or a few!) of these sequences below a try. From prenatal yin yoga to yin yoga for athletes, we’ve rounded up the best sequences for any situation.

1. Beginner Yin Sequence

This yin yoga sequence is excellent for beginners, containing in-depth instructions and photos. It also contains openers for several areas of the body like the chest and hips, so you can touch several muscle groups in one sequence.

This sequence doesn’t require any equipment other than your mat, making it a no-frills way to dip your feet into yin yoga.

Find the sequence here: Yogi Approved

2. Hip Opener Sequence

This 30-minute routine is ideal for yogis of all levels and focuses on improving flexibility and stability in the lower body.

Hips are crucial in connecting your upper and lower body, supporting everyday movements and overall balance. This sequence can be a standalone practice or incorporated into a longer session.

Find the sequence here: Tumee

3. Heart Opener Sequence

A closed-off chest with rounded shoulders can signal more than just bad posture. It’s also the stance we come into when we’re experiencing grief, sadness, or even fear.

Coming out of this posture through a heart-opening sequence will help bring the mind and emotions out of grief and into a more open space, where the heart energy can flow freely.

This particular yin heart-opening sequence provides just enough chest opening, without going into deep backbends like some other sequences. The instructions are clear and the images are pristine. Not to mention, most of these poses can be done without assistance from a block or other equipment, making it a perfect at-home sequence.

Find the sequence here: Dagmar Spremberg Yoga

4. Sequence for Digestion

This hour-long sequence is focused on toning the vagus nerve, which travels through your abdomen and regulates digestion and the stress response.

The poses here are also long holds, intent on activating your parasympathetic nervous system which tells your body it’s time to “rest and digest.” Use this sequence if you’re having trouble with digestion or anxiety.

Find the sequence here: Yin New Zealand

5. Liver Sequence

This video sequence takes you through a 50-minute yin practice targeting the liver and gallbladder meridians, which are important detoxification channels for the body.

The poses are restorative and also help to encourage stillness and grounding.

Find the sequence here: Yoga Ranger Studio

6. Sequence for Stress

“This yin yoga practice is for my people who are stressed the bleep out!” – Candace, Yoga by Candace

Is there much else we need to know about this sequence?

All joking aside, this 25-minute yin sequence is a time-efficient way to sink deep into an assortment of relaxing poses that will ease inner tension and anxiety. The length of the program also makes it a perfect “lunch-break sequence,” if you’re so inclined.

Find the sequence here: Yoga by Candace

7. Sequence for Tight Shoulders and Neck

This tight shoulders routine is excellent to perform at the end of the day to counteract the effects of hunching over a computer screen, driving, etc.

It offers modifications for the less flexible, as well as for those looking for a deeper stretch.

Find the sequence here: Yin Yoga

8. Sequence for Athletes

Athletes are mostly acquainted with the “go, go, go!” yang energy of competitive sports.

This one-hour video sequence offers balance by introducing gentle yin energy, while also opening various tight areas common in athletes, such as the hips and glutes.

Find the sequence here: Yoga with Shaunneka

9. Leg Sequence

This 60- to 75-minute sequence will leave no muscle unopened in your legs, making it great for runners, athletes, or even though who spend a lot of time sitting.

Each pose is illustrated with a photo and given a time limit, so you know exactly how long to sink into the poses.

Find the sequence here: Yoga Journal

10. Sequence for Low Back Pain

When it comes to low back pain and yin yoga, it’s great to have an instructor walk you through the poses so that you know you’re performing them correctly.

This 35-minute video yin sequence does just that, allowing you to relax deep into poses that relieve tension in the spine and low back.

Find the sequence here: Brett Larkin Yoga

11. Sequence for Runners

The best thing about this sequence (aside from the awesome name, below) is the fact that Rebekah is both a runner and a yogi, giving us firsthand experience as to what yin poses might be best for runners.

Expect detailed photos and descriptions, as well as a list of reasons why runners need to have  yin yoga practice.

Find the sequence here: Run Away From Zombies

25 Powerful Yin Yoga Sequences We Love (And Why)

12. Upper-Body Sequence

This upper-body yin video sequence focuses exclusively on easing tension in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.

Each pose is held for an average of 4 to 5 minutes and encourages extra softness, making it excellent for beginners.

Find the sequence here: Yoga with Kassandra

13. Restorative Sequence

This restorative yin yoga sequence is so restorative, it even includes pillows!

While there’s no sleeping involved, this is indeed a powerful sequence with photos that will have you feeling as refreshed as you would after your best night’s sleep.

Find the sequence here: Ekhart Yoga

14. Prenatal Sequence

This prenatal sequence contains detailed descriptions of each pose alongside beautiful photographs. It focuses on easing the tension in the back muscles that most expectant mothers experience, and also on opening the hips in preparation for the big day.

Find the sequence here: Santosha Society

15. Knee Sequence

This knee sequence delves deep into the hips, hamstrings, and quadriceps, which can contribute to increased knee pain and pressure when tight or compressed.

This sequence also offers great photos, as well as time limits for its poses.

Find the sequence here: Elephant Journal

16. Spinal Sequence

This video on yin spinal sequence is a 60-minute blessing for those with back pain.

Prepare to be walked through a variety of poses that focus on reducing pressure on the spine and surrounding joints, all while cultivating stillness and becoming grounded.

Find the sequence here: Ekhart Yoga TV

17. Tight Hamstring Sequence

This 50-minute video sequence is excellent if you’ve been feeling tight throughout your hamstrings from excessive sitting.

One of the great things about this sequence is that it focuses not only on the hamstrings but also on the entire back of the body, so you can be sure any tightness contributing to your hamstring stiffness will be addressed.

Find the sequence here: Yin Yoga with Marianne

18. Quadriceps Sequence

While the goal of this sequence is to help you get into the tricky lotus pose, it features a great assortment of poses that really focus on loosening the quadriceps muscles.

Follow the entire sequence to open the entire leg area, or choose 2 to 3 quadriceps releasers for a targeted sequence.

Find the sequence here: Love Yoga Anatomy

19. Menstruation Sequence

This five-pose sequence focuses on releasing your lower body muscles (which can become tight and cramped during menstruation), and also cultivating emotional stillness.

If you typically experience cramps or stress during your cycle, give this sequence a try.

Find the sequence here: Natural Health Star

20. Sequence for Insomnia

If you’re having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, yin yoga might just be your solution to coaxing your body to sleep.

This 30-minute video sequence guides you through relaxing yin poses that can help tune your body into its natural circadian rhythms.

Find the sequence here: Sarah Beth Yoga

21. Energizing Sequence

Are you ready to harness the energy of the sun?

This invigorating sequence encourages you to practice with sunlight streaming in through your windows and to visualize solar energy as you make your way through an assortment of rejuvenating poses.

Find the sequence here: Yoga Journal

22. Kidney Sequence

This yin yoga kidney sequence stimulates the kidney and bladder meridians, encouraging efficient detox throughout the body.

Perform this sequence if you’ve been feeling “heavy” or feel the need to detox. Simply click on the pose for a photo example.

Find the sequence here: iHanuman

23. Seasonal Sequences

These seasonal sequences will help prepare your body for the changes each season brings. Just as what we eat varies with the seasons, so do these yin yoga poses.

Whether you’re looking to lighten up and bloom with a yin yoga sequence for spring, or go into a deeper introspection for winter and fall, these sequences will gently tune you in.

Find the sequences here: Nancy Nelson Yoga – Summer, Spring, Fall, Winter

24. Detox Sequence

Although this sequence is labeled as a spring sequence, it is perfect for anyone looking to detox their body and usher in fresh energy.

These poses target the liver and gallbladder meridians, which carry the heavy burden of removing toxins from our bodies.

Find the sequence here: Yoga Journal

25. Sequence to Boost Metabolism

This sequence also focuses on the liver and gallbladder meridians, but with additional poses that help boost metabolism and increase the flow of qi through the body.

After all, when you remove the old, you make way for new energy to flow faster and more efficiently.

Find the sequence here: Mind Body Green

How to create a Yin Yoga sequence

When practicing Yin Yoga, it’s essential to keep safety in mind and be aware of potential cautions. First, always pay close attention to your body’s signals during your Yin Yoga practice. It’s crucial to avoid pushing yourself into pain or discomfort. Yin Yoga is meant to feel like a deep, gentle stretch, not a strain. Remember, it’s not about achieving the “perfect” pose but rather finding the version that suits your body’s unique needs.

Second, make use of props such as bolsters, blocks, and blankets to support your body and make poses more comfortable.

If you’re interested in creating a soothing Yin Yoga sequence, follow these steps:

  1. Start with a calming intention: Set the tone for your practice by focusing on relaxation, deep stretching, and inner peace.
  2. Choose 5-7 poses: Select a mix of seated, reclined, and gentle twist poses that target different areas of the body. Examples include Butterfly, Pigeon, Sphinx, and Reclined Twist.
  3. Hold poses for longer: Yin Yoga is all about deep stretching, so hold each pose for 3-5 minutes, allowing your body to release tension and sink deeper into the stretch.
  4. Encourage breathwork: Focus on slow, deep breaths during each pose to help you stay relaxed and present.
  5. Finish with Savasana: End your sequence with a restorative Savasana (Corpse Pose) to fully relax and absorb the benefits of your practice.

A Deeper Yoga Practice

If yang yoga is a free-flowing river or a slow-burning bonfire, yin yoga is a still, deep lake.

If you’re looking to sink deeper into a yoga practice, or perhaps balance your flow practice with some restorative sequences, you’ll find that yin yoga – and the above sequences – will get you there.
