Yuri Elkaim - All-Day Fat Burning Diet: How Patrick Lost 30 Pounds and 12 Inches From His Waist in Just 2 Months

All-Day Fat Burning Diet: How Patrick Lost 30 Pounds and 12 Inches From His Waist in Just 2 Months

If there’s one thing I’ve heard consistently from my clients over the years, it’s that finding time to exercise and eat right becomes harder as their life becomes busier. Be it kids, a stressful job, or both, the demands that life places on them makes it hard to maintain healthy habits.

These frustrations echoed in my mind as I sat down to write my upcoming book, The All-Day Fat Burning Diet. In fact, they inspired the plan at its core: a stripped-down, easy-to-follow set of exercise and eating guidelines that will fit into your busy schedule.

I’ve seen some fantastic results from those who have already tried the plan, but there was one early adopter whose results really blew me away. His name is Patrick.

You’re Never Too Busy

To say that Patrick Diaz has a busy life is a severe understatement. Every morning, he clocks in at work at 6:30 a.m. after a long commute with his wife. In the evening, he comes home to an energetic two year old who demands all of his attention. He has very little time for himself, a lot less than even the busiest among us.

In his first two years of fatherhood, Patrick was struggling under the load. He had put on a tremendous amount of weight, and despite his attempts at other popular diets—diets that shall remain nameless—the weight just wasn’t staying off.

Although he hadn’t experienced any lasting success with other exercise and diet plans, Patrick signed up for The All-Day Fat Burning Diet, eager to give it a shot.

The workouts I include in this plan are quick and snappy—30 minutes, 3 times a week—but even that was a tall order for Patrick. However, he was determined, and what he chose to do impressed me.

It would have been easy for him to skip workouts given his exhausting schedule, but Patrick chose to start waking up every day at 3 in the morning! Upon waking, he’d make his way to the gym for a quick workout before coming home, getting ready for work, and making it to the office by 6:30 a.m. I was floored.

Effort = Results

All-Day Fat Burning Diet

After I saw how dedicated Patrick was to the plan—strictly sticking to the healthy and delicious meals laid out for him; taking a daily walk during his lunch hour at work—I wasn’t surprised when he started reporting fantastic results: within two months, Patrick had dropped 30 pounds and lost 12 inches from his waist!

I’m always happy for my clients, but Patrick’s results put me over the moon. Needless to say, he was thrilled as well, though he did have one complaint: none of his clothes fit him anymore!

Patrick’s amazing story is not just a testament to the power of The All-Day Fat Burning Diet, but also to the power of determination and hard work. I promise you this: if you pick up this book and do your best to follow the steps I’ve laid out for you, you will see results.

You might even become and entirely new person, just like Patrick did.
