Yuri Elkaim - 6 Best Hip Internal Rotation Stretches

6 Best Hip Internal Rotation Stretches

Hip internal rotation stretches can do wonders for your mobility and help you reach new levels of flexibility. Not only are these stretches incredibly effective, but they’re also easy to learn and perform. You’ll be able to reap the benefits of greater hip mobility with just a few simple exercises.

Image of a woman stretching her hips. Source: Pexels

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of hip internal rotation stretches, how to perform them properly, common mistakes to avoid, variations on different stretches, and tips for increasing your flexibility even further.

Get ready to take your hips from stiff and sore to flexible and strong!

What are the benefits of hip internal rotation stretches?

Hip internal rotation stretches target the muscles and tendons around the hips and pelvis that are responsible for stabilizing the area. This helps to improve posture, reduce pain in the lower back, legs, and feet, as well as increase the range of motion in the hips.

Regularly performing this stretch can also lead to improved balance and coordination due to strengthening these same muscles and tendons which control movement in the lower body.

Hip internal rotation stretches also have mental health benefits. These exercises help to reduce stress levels by releasing endorphins – hormones that create feelings of happiness- into your bloodstream.

With that said, let’s move on to learning how to perform them correctly…

The Six Best Hip Internal Rotation Stretches

Performing these movements can help improve flexibility in the lower body. Hip internal rotation stretches when done correctly, are an effective way to target the hip muscles and increase mobility in the hip joint. Here are the best hip internal rotation stretches and how to do them:

1. Seated Hip Internal Rotation

  • Start in a seated position on the ground with your knees at 90 degrees. Plant the soles of your feet flat on the floor at a comfortable width.
  • Extend your left arm behind your body, with your left palm on the ground. Put your right hand on your right knee.
  • Flex your right foot so that your toe is pointing upward. Keeping your hand on your right knee, turn your right inner thigh toward the ground.
  • Your right thigh and your right calf should make a right angle as you lower your thigh. You should feel a stretch in the outer and frontal parts of your hip.

2. Squatting Internal Rotations

  • Start in a deep squat with your hands clasped in front of you. Using your left leg, push yourself slightly upward and to the left side.
  • As your right leg falls toward the ground, your right thigh should rotate inward in your hip socket. Pause there, and then return to your squat.
  • Push yourself up and to the right side using your right leg.
  • This time, let your left leg fall toward the ground to produce left hip internal rotation. Pause, and do the movement again on the right.

3. 90-90 Foot Lift

  • Start in a seated position on the ground with your legs at a 90-degree angle. The knee of one leg should be aligned with your hip, while the foot of the other leg should be aligned with the knee of the first leg.
  • Try to lift the foot of the back leg without moving your hips or other leg.

4. Hip Sleeper Stretch

  • Lie on your side and bend your knees to a 90-degree angle.
  • Keeping your back on the floor, rotate your top hip to bring your knee towards the floor. Try to touch the floor with your knee without your back lifting off the floor.

5. Hip IR PAILs

  • Sit with your legs in front of you, bent to a 90-degree angle.
  • Lean forward and put pressure on your forward knee to push it into the ground. As you push down, you should feel a stretch in your hip.

6. Band Lateral Distraction IR Rockbacks

  • Start on all fours with a resistance band looped around one hip and anchored to a post behind you.
  • Push your butt back towards your heels while allowing the hip to move outward. Return to the starting position and repeat.

6. Internal Hip Rotator Stretch

  • Sit with your back against the back of a chair. Lift your right leg and place your right ankle on the left thigh with the right knee pointing out to the side.
  • Gently press down on the right thigh with one hand until you feel resistance.
  • Lean forward slightly at the hips, keeping your back straight. Slowly breathe out while doing this. Hold this pose for up to 30 seconds.

Tips for Increasing Flexibility in the Hips

Enhancing your flexibility in the hips can be achieved by incorporating certain stretching exercises into your regular routine. To start, it’s important to understand how the hip joint works and what types of stretches are most beneficial.

The hip joint is a ball-and-socket type of joint that contains several muscles and ligaments that allow for a wide range of motion, including forward flexion, extension, abduction, and internal rotation. Stretches that target these motions can help improve flexibility in the hips.

Static stretching is one of the most effective methods for improving hip mobility. This involves holding a stretch for an extended period of time (e.g., 30 seconds) to allow the muscle fibers to gradually relax and lengthen while maintaining control over the movement.

Dynamic stretching is another technique that involves active movements such as lunges or leg swings which help increase blood flow throughout the muscles while also increasing the range of motion. Focus on completing 10–15 repetitions per exercise with slow controlled movements and ensure you stretch all major muscle groups around the hips including quads, hamstrings, glutes, abductors, and adductors.

To supplement your stretching routine it’s also beneficial to incorporate strength training routines that focus on building strength in areas around your hips such as core stability exercises or single-leg squats/lunges which can help keep surrounding muscles strong while still allowing freedom in movement at your joints – thus increasing flexibility over time!

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to improving flexibility in the lower body, it’s important to avoid making common mistakes when doing these stretches – otherwise, you could be putting yourself at risk of injury! To ensure that you are performing the stretch safely and correctly, here is a list of common mistakes to avoid:

Mistakes to avoidWhat you should do
Not warming up before stretchingWarm up your muscles with light aerobic activity such as jogging or walking for 5-10 minutes prior to stretching. This will help reduce the risk of strains and sprains.
Jerking movements while stretchingMake sure that when you stretch, your movements are slow and controlled. Jerking can lead to muscle pulls and tears which can be painful and take time to heal. It’s best to use a range of motion that is comfortable for you. Don’t push yourself too hard too quickly – build up gradually over time.
Holding a stretch for too longMost stretches should not be held any longer than 30 seconds at a time. Holding them for too long can cause discomfort or even pain, so make sure you keep track of how much time has passed during each stretch. Additionally, make sure there is no pain involved in the stretches either – if there is then stop immediately and consult with an expert before continuing further. You want to feel relaxed while doing the stretches rather than tense or strained.

It is also important to maintain proper form throughout all hip internal rotation stretches – this means keeping your spine neutral and engaging your core muscles so that you are properly supported while performing the exercise.

Keeping proper form helps keep your joints safe from injury while also ensuring that you get the maximum benefit out of each movement by activating all of the necessary muscle groups involved in hip internal rotation exercises.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should I hold the hip internal rotation stretch?

Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds to feel a gentle tension. This can help improve your hip’s range of motion and flexibility, allowing you to move more freely.

What are the risks associated with hip internal rotation stretches?

Imagine you’re a chef, carefully preparing a delicious meal. You must take care not to over-season or burn the dish, as this can lead to health risks. Similarly, when stretching your hips internally, be mindful of your movements and don’t push too hard. Doing so could cause muscle strains and joint pain.

Are there any other exercises I can do to complement hip internal rotation stretches?

Yes! Try exercises like hip abduction, bridging, and squats to help complement hip internal rotation stretches. These will build strength and stability in the hips, helping you achieve your goals.

What muscle groups are targeted by hip internal rotation stretches?

You are targeting the hip muscles, such as your glutes and inner thigh muscles when engaging in hip internal rotation stretches. These exercises can help to improve muscle strength and flexibility.

How often should I perform hip internal rotation stretches?

You should perform hip internal rotation stretches regularly for optimal benefit. Aim to do them at least three times a week, but more often is better. You’ll be helping yourself and those around you!


As you perform these stretches, it’s important to maintain proper form to fully reap the rewards. With dedication and practice, you’ll notice increased hip flexibility, allowing for greater ease and confidence in movement.

Imagine the feeling of a light and limber body with a wider range of motion! Take it slow as you work towards improved hip flexibility – progress will come with patience.

Key Takeaways

  • Hip internal rotation stretches can improve mobility and flexibility in the hips.
  • These stretches target muscles and tendons around the hips and pelvis, improving posture and reducing pain in the lower back, legs, and feet.
  • Incorporating these stretches into your routine can lead to improved balance and coordination, as well as mental health benefits such as reduced stress levels and increased mindfulness.
  • Common mistakes to avoid include not warming up, jerking movements, and holding stretches for too long.
